
Attention Junior and Senior Boys:

For more information, please see Mrs. Cutlip.

SOUTH DAKOTA AMERICAN LEGION BOYS STATE PO BOX 67 WATERTOWN, SD 57201 January 3, 2025 Greetings School Counselors and Officials, On behalf of Boys State, I would like to say Happy New Year; I hope this finds you well! In attempts to ensure all Boys have an opportunity to attend Boys State, the 2025 session is open to all Junior and Senior Boys, however, they will only be allowed to attend one time. Registration for 2025 South Dakota Boys State is available NOW at www.southdakotaboysstate.com . We highly encourage applicants to apply early as space is limited and we already have many high-quality students. The dates for this year's session are June 2 – 6, 2025 Your continued involvement in the recruiting process is vital to the success of our future leaders. Boys State is an American Legion Program that teaches young men about the functions of State Government through a hands-on process. Students will create a fictitious state starting at the City level, then continuing to the County level and onward to a State level culminating with the election of a Boys State Governor and a full state government. Nowhere else will they be able to take part in such process. Throughout the week, students will hear from South Dakota’s Congressional Delegation, SD Municipal League Office, Secretary of State, County Officials, among many other state leaders. They will participate in law enforcement classes from the South Dakota Highway Patrol, Legal classes from members of the SD Bar Association, run for elections at every level of State government and join in Party Caucuses. Some will even litigate real SD Supreme Court cases at the Brown County Courthouse. Students also have an opportunity to create friendships and contacts that will carry them throughout their lifetime. Just a reminder, registration is purely on-line. When a boy registers, the person in your designated American Legion Post will receive it via email to evaluate the applicant. Your post will evaluate using the established criteria and notify the Boys State Registrar (registrar@southdakotaboysstate.com), via email, if the candidate has been approved or not. If your student does not hear back within two weeks from the Post, please let me know directly. I will personally follow up with the Post representative. This is a ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY FOR HIGH SCHOOL BOYS!! Additional details regarding the session can be found at www.sdlegion.org and www.southdakotaboysstate.com. Your continuing support will ensure that South Dakota Boys State is the premier summer program for South Dakota's best and brightest. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Best Regards, Gene Opbroek Director South Dakota American Legion Boys State 605-830-0012 gcopbroek@gmail.com