Welcome To Hot Springs Secondary (middle and high) School

Dear students and families, 

Our school has been focused changing the school experience. We are transforming our school into a more personalized learning approach to school life. We want our students to direct their learning experience in order to make the learning experience more meaningful. Our faculty has developed skills around project-based learning, customized learning, self-paced classes, and real-world experiences. Our hope is that learning becomes more relevant.

Additionally, we focus on social-emotional learning combined with college and career counseling. When students know who they are, what their interests are, and how to develop and utilize executive functioning skills, they can better direct their educational choices. They choose courses and academic pathways that prepare them to meet goals and aspirations.

Our CTE (Career and Technical Education) programs prepare students to job ready by the time they graduate. Our new building (completed in April of 2024) provides space and resources that allow our students to develop skills in carpentry, welding, agriculture, family and consumer science, robotics, STEM, arts, and media design and production. When we combine our CTE offerings with our traditional offering of classes, our students have the ability to pursue numerous academic pathways.

We want our students to take ownership of their learning. We believe this will create leaders and problem solvers. We want our students to have the courage and conviction to face the challenges and opportunities that life presents.


Secondary Administration


605-745-4147 - PHONE

605-745-4234 - ATTENDANCE LINE

605-745-4166 - FAX

Principal: Kain Klinkhammer kain.klinkhammer@k12.sd.us

Assistant Principal: Eric Reynolds eric.reynolds@k12.sd.us

Athletic Director/College and Career Counselor: Mike Deming, michael.deming@k12.sd.us

Hot Springs High School